Saturday, January 26, 2008

How to Launch Your "Boomerang Kidult"

Now that Labor Day has come and gone, all the kids should be out of the house and back at school. But wait! What about your emerging adult child who is still living with you, his or her college degree neatly tucked away? Are you in the midst of a replay of the big screen comedy Failure to Launch and not finding it quite so funny? You're not alone.

Millions of fledgling adults, often called kidults, have graduated from college but are not living independently of their parents. According to the 2000 U.S. Census, 25% of young adults between the ages of 18 and 34 still lived with their parents. Young people are studying longer or marrying later, postponing adulthood until around age 30. Here's how this extended period of dependency can affect relationships.

Steve remembers how he longed for those empty-nester days once his son had moved home from college. He reflected on the irony. The guidelines our son wanted to discuss were not the ones my wife and I had set down. He told us we were not to tie up the computer or play with his dog. He also wanted us to leave the bathroom fan off when we showered, so the noise wouldnt wake him up. We hardly got a chance to talk about what we wanted.

It's called triangulation, when your relationship as a couple has to accommodate your emerging adult child. What it often means is less privacy and spontaneity for you, and a need to establish new patterns of interaction and parenting.

As Beth realized: We cant treat her as if shes a teenager but we also dont intend to lose sleep worrying about whether shes o.k. Unless we can agree on some reasonable curfew, this living arrangement just isnt going to work.

Jill had been a single mom since her three children were young teens. Once her last child went to college she felt free to move in with her partner. When my middle daughter lost her job and could no longer afford to live alone, I didnt have the heart to say no to her. But with the chaos that ensued, I soon regretted my decision. As I recognized that my growing resentment was affecting all of us, I took a stand. We defined the house rules, split up the chores and set a deadline for her moving out. Now we try to openly air the issues and our feelings.

Like Jill, you can take a stand. Here are some more ideas:

1. Establish areas of accountability and appropriate boundaries. This can smooth day-to-day living; it encourages some emotional detachment and the freedom to reclaim your own lives.

2. Insist that your kidults face their own challenges. At times tough love is the most effective support parents can give. Janes son chose to move back home after his divorce and expected his mother to handle his laundry, shopping and cleaning the way his wife had. She knew he had to learn to take care of himself, once again. I insisted that we set some things straight and that he take responsibility for himself. We created a chart like the one when the kids were in grade school. I have not backed down and so far we are all still here, trying to make our complicated situation work.

3. Create a timetable for financial independence. Financial assistance comes with a price for all - with potential conflict around issues of co- dependency, control and unsolicited advice. Jack commented, Our daughter wants to live rent free but wont listen to our advice about how to get back on her feet. Our plan is that she will be on her own within six months, and we will stick to that.

4. Commit to a concrete plan to move the family toward common goals. This requires the willingness to work as a team, with frequent discussions as well as some compromise. When you put limits and deadlines into place, the result is less conflict. According to a 2006 Money/ICR poll, 60% of Americans believe that college graduates should be allowed to move back home, but only for up to a year, and 57% state that parents should charge them rent.

5. Find the right balance between offering support to your offspring and taking care of yourselves. Sally and Garry were enjoying spending time together when the last of their children left home. These pleasures were short lived. When their daughter separated and wanted to move back, they initially felt that they couldnt turn her away. It wasnt long before their patience wore thin, and they knew they had no choice. Our daughter got lazy. She wouldnt look for work and made little effort to help out. We eventually insisted that she find other arrangements. We felt guilty and spent a lot of time discussing our decision. But we have waited forever for this period in our lives and we dont plan to miss it.

6. Let go. Once you have done all you can to prepare your boomerang kidults to be on their own, let go of your resistance and act. Launching them is an opportunity for all of you. Tap into your own passions and begin to imagine the adventures that lie ahead.

© - 2006

Phyllis Goldberg, Ph.D. and Rosemary Lichtman, Ph.D. are co-founders of, a website dedicated to the issues of mid-life women, and co-authors of a forthcoming book about Baby Boomer women and family relationships. They are psychotherapists with 40 years of collective experience in private practice.Silvie Blog46061
Sorcha Blog44057

Using Your Veteran Benefits is Academically Beneficial

As a former military service member, you now plan to attend college at a four or two year institution. You are not quite sure of how to get started using your veterans benefits or how many years you have to utilize your VA benefits. These benefits may somewhat vary depending upon the university or college you plan on attending. Below are some documents needed by schools (VA Campus Service) from you or your dependents to receive funding to assist you in degree completion?

An application that is utilized for Chapters 30, 31, 35, 1606 and 1607. Chapter 30-for the veterans using benefits, Chapter 31-for veterans using vocational rehabilitation with a percentage of disability, Chapter 35-for dependents such as spouse, children and qualified adopted children, 1606 & 1607-for reservist using benefits.

Discharge Copy of your DD214-Copy number (4)-when leaving the military or copy of your NOBE-as a Reservist-Notice Of Basic Eligibility

For dependent usage of veterans benefits spouse should submit a copy of marriage certificate, qualified dependents should submit a copy of their birth certificate.

Veteran or dependents should declare a major of intent to the department in which they plan to matriculate in. This copy should also be submitted to the VA school official.

The veteran or dependents need to also submit a copy of their letter of acceptance from the Admissions Office to the certified veteran official for benefits.

Finally, if veterans or dependents have attended a university or college previously, these transcripts should also be submitted to the VA official. As a former member of the military you have ten years from the date of leaving the military to use your military benefits.

Once all these documents are submitted to your certified veterans official, new enrollees can began receiving benefits within sixty to ninety days.

Please keep in mind these documents maybe somewhat similar and different depending on the institution of choice. They are used as guidelines for submitting information in applying for VA Benefits only. Check with your school VA Officer for direct information.

Robert Crawford III is an author of several publications listed on and multi-publishing sites; he is also working towards publishing childrens books. He is a Business Consultant, Academic Advisor and a PhD Candidate studying at Capella University in the School of Business Technology. He and business partner Kay White of VandarPoole Consulting can be reached at the business website or at (910)-483-1427 Shane Blog83007
Shellie Blog50818

Voluntary Pre-Kindergarten Program Benefits the Tampa Schools

A constitutional amendment was passed in November 2002 that established the Voluntary Pre-Kindergarten (VPK) program for all four year olds in the state of Florida. The program benefits not only the children but the Tampa schools, as well, by preparing children for kindergarten and beyond.

Documented studies have shown that preschool is one of the best investments for any city and its youth. A California study found that, for every dollar spent on preschool, the city and schools save $2.62. This savings is realized through lower juvenile crime and high school dropout costs. Another study showed that Tampa schools children will be more likely to read by the third grade, less likely to require remedial education, and more likely to graduate high school and enter college. The savings for the Tampa schools come from the decrease in remedial classes and program to keep students in school that would otherwise be required.

For the Tampa schools area, the Early Learning Coalition of Hillsborough County (ELC) administers the VPK program. They ensure that the future Tampa schools children develop the skills necessary to become good readers and successful Tampa schools students. The VPK program includes standards for literacy skills, appropriate currcula, substantial instruction periods, qualified instructors, manageable class sizes, and appropriate accountability.

Parents may choose from the school year program of 540 hours that begins in the fall or the summer session of 300 hours. VPK is free to all four year olds, whose parents are residents of Florida. Parents are responsible for costs for any care before and after classes, as well as transportation. The VPK hours are paid by the state. Providers are not permitted to charge a registration fee or require parents to agree to any additional services in order to receive the VPK services.

The first year of implementation for VPK was the 2005-2006 school year and summer session, during which the program served more than 100,000 Florida four year olds (approximately 40 percent of all four year olds in the state). Close to 66,000 children already have registered for the 2006-2007 school year, as of August 3rd.

For Hillsborough County, in which the Tampa schools are located, more than 7,100 children have registered. This is up from last years 6,700 for both the fall and summer sessions.

Tampa schools area VPK providers, however, have been slow to sign up this year, according to ELCs executive director, Dave McGerald. Also, many Tampa schools area providers did not renew their contracts until late in the summer. McGerald does expect to serve as many as 10,000 children this year, which includes those in the Tampa schools area.

Even though VPK classes have begun in the Tampa schools area, children can be enrolled for six months after the session starts. The sooner children are enrolled, however, the more benefits they receive.

Patricia Hawke is a staff writer for Schools K-12, Which provides free, in-depth reports on all U.S. public and private K-12 schools. Patricia has a nose for research and writes stimulating news and views on school issues.Sinead Blog71984
Sharna Blog60805

The Culture of Debt Amongst Young People

Its amazing when you consider the above statement and try and get a grasp on the two concepts of Young People and Debt?

Back in my day being at College or University was all about racing around and being passionate about either Politics, Music, Alcohol and whatever else (or in most cases whoever else) you were passionate about.

Nowadays it is more about managing the College or University Loan and trying to find ways of servicing the estimated 25,000 ($45,000) amount of debt per student.

This is appalling. Youngsters have enough on their plate to start with without struggling to cope with a financial millstone of this size hanging around their neck.

The knock on effect of this is actually harming the way we look at financial management and also the educational prospects of future generations.

Two things are shaping the future workers and leaders of tomorrows industry. The amount, cost and financial debt of going to university and how many different credit cards they can lay their hands on to help fund their overall shortfall.

Of course whenever there is a demand for something then there is the corresponding supply of what can be best described as financial temporary first aid. The trouble is that it is First Aid of the worst sort and should actually be only considered as a means of last resort.

The feeding frenzy that is the never ending sales pitch of the Credit Card Companies during Freshers week at most Colleges would leave most people sleepless if they had the remotest idea of the long term implications or the damage that this is actually causing.

A recent survey in the UK by one of the leading Banks (hmmnnn. an unbiased research study obviously) came up with the following findings:

The survey, which questioned sixth formers, students and graduates, showed that sixth formers were more worried about debt than about their studies, with 71% saying they were concerned about making ends meet and 60% admitting to worrying about failing their exams.

It also went on to report that an increasing number of this year's new students are planning to work their way through university to ward off high levels of debt, the survey found, with 87% of freshers hoping to get a part-time job.

The report then also stated that:

Just over half of current students admitted being concerned about the amount of debt they were in, and one in five said they had considered dropping out of university and finding paid work.

This is appalling. The way things are going it will not be too long before some enterprising Financial Institution will be providing Savings Plans for women the moment they become pregnant! I know in a lot of cases we are there already but saddling youngsters with large amounts of debt when they are mostly still struggling with coming to terms with living their lives on their own just seems madness to me.

With large, unmanageable and financially prohibitive interest rates, some of these Credit Card Companies get what they deserve when they post mounting bad debt provisions.

The trouble is that they then claw it back from the rest of us.

Stephen Morgan writes for and is also the founder of More information on the above article can be found at Blog82188
Sue Elle Blog10346

Treating Depression and Anxiety the Natural Way

Prescription Anti-Depressants, Tranquillizers and Sleeping Tablets are regularly prescribed by doctors to treat anything from bereavement to postnatal depression. While there are many responsible and caring doctors out there, there are also many who over prescribe.

This may sometimes be due to lack of time, lack of adequate training in emotional problems and mood disorders or sometimes just pure indifference towards the patient's problems! Sad, but unfortunately true!

In my opinion, the above drugs should only be used as a very last resort to treat depression, anxiety, or insomnia which is severe and chronic, i.e. when the person's day to day functioning is badly affected and where the problem is not responsive to any other forms of treatment.

Many times, however, prescription drugs are the first line of treatment and this often becomes an obstacle in the patient's road to health and empowerment. In the extreme, it can lead to addiction and more problems than the patient started out with.

As for prescription sleeping tablets, the majority are addictive if used for longer than two weeks. After a while, more and stronger medication is needed, as the body gets "used" to the drug and "forgets" how to go to sleep by itself.

This sets up a cycle of insomnia and dependence which is very difficult to break - and which would have been entirely avoidable if the health practitioner had spent some time listening to the patient and helping him or her to overcome problems, rather than resorting to prescription drugs.

The good news is that there are usually many healthier alternatives which really work well. They are not always the "quick fix', but most are a more permanent and certainly healthier alternative, leaving YOU in control!

Here are a few:


I know, I know - you've heard this before and it IS hard to start! But if every client followed this advice, I would go out of business! Regular exercise helps you to feel healthier, increases the production of natural "feel good" chemicals in the body, boosts self-esteem and significantly reduces the symptoms of depression, stress and anxiety.

It also helps those struggling to lose weight or fight addictions. The keyword is "regular"! At least half an hour of brisk exercise three times a week. Daily is better if you are trying to beat depression.

Walk, swim, jog, dance, do aerobics, whatever - so long as it results in a bit of sweat and an increased heart rate. Believe it or not - if you persevere, you will begin to enjoy it!

Social Support

When you are depressed, you usually isolate yourself and avoid company. Mixing with people is not always what you feel like doing, but loneliness is one of the major causes of depression.

Get out there and join the world! You may hate it at first, but do it anyway! It will ultimately help to uplift your spirits and you will not feel so alone. If you don't have a social circle, join one!

Volunteer organizations, mothers' groups, churches, sports clubs, hobbies and crafts are all good ideas. Be creative! Try out different alternatives until you find something that you like. Don't give up!

See the Discussion Forum Notice Boards for free support groups and topics of Inspiration. Join an online support group or start one of your own. Go to

Talk About It

This is the most effective way of relieving depression and anxiety. Share your problems and "externalize" them, rather than bottling them up. You will be amazed at how relieved you feel and how you are able to begin to get things into perspective.

Speak to friends, family or to a professional person like a licensed counselor. Writing about your feelings is also therapeutic, so keep a journal, write a book or consult a professional online at Native Remedies

Do Nice Things For Yourself

Nurture and spoil yourself. You deserve it too! So have a bubble bath, buy that special something you've been wanting, play your favorite music and SING, have an aromatherapy massage or relax and soak in your bathtub after adding a few drops of soothing lavender oil to the water. - and do it because YOU ARE SPECIAL!

Learn how to say 'No' to others when it is appropriate and 'Yes' to yourself when you need it. If you tell yourself "I don't have enough time to do that for myself', ask whether you would make the time if it was someone else's need.

You will probably find that, while you have the time to see to the needs of others, you have 'no time' for yourself! Turn this around and see to your needs too. They are just as important! Don't be a martyr and deny yourself and then resent other people for not caring about you!


No, not the starvation kind! Enjoy your food and eat healthily. Some foods help to fight depression and anxiety. A carbohydrate rich diet helps the body produce serotonin - the 'feelgood' chemical.

Special serotonin foods are oats, whole wheat, bananas and other carbohydrate rich foods. Make sure you are having a full supplement of Vitamin B, magnesium, zinc and iron - a deficiency in any of these can lead to depression and anxiety-type symptoms and insomnia.

Natural Alternatives

There are many natural alternatives to prescription antidepressants, anxiolytics, and sleeping tablets. Research suggests that St John's Wort is as effective, but has far fewer side effects, than many of the commonly used prescription antidepressants. Passiflora, Melissa, and Lavender are other natural remedies to relieve anxiety and, in sufficient dosage, may also help to induce sleep.

To ensure therapeutic dosages and correct manufacturing processes, Feelgood Health has formulated a number of natural remedies to promote emotional and psychological health.

Becalm (adults) and KiddieCalmer (children) are specifically formulated to soothe the symptoms of anxiety and stress, while MindSoothe (adults) and MindSoothe Jr. (children) will assist with anxiety as well as depression. Serenite (capsules or drops for adults) and Serenite Jr. (drops for children) help to promote natural sleep.

All of these, and other natural remedies, can be ordered at Native Remedies. Consult a health practitioner before changing or stopping prescription medication!

Learn to Relax or Meditate

Relaxation techniques and meditation are easy to learn and are so effective in relieving stress, anxiety, and depression that I wonder why they are not routinely prescribed or even taught as a life skill at school! There are some excellent books on meditation and relaxation reviewed at

Understand Your Symptoms

Why are you feeling depressed? What is bothering you? What needs to change to help you to feel better? Is it something in your present, or are there unresolved issues in your past or in your childhood that you still need to deal with and which are affecting your life and your relationships?

Are your anxiety symptoms realistic or do they subconsciously mask other issues in your life which need dealing with like low self esteem, relationship problems or problems from your childhood?

Symptoms of depression and anxiety are very troublesome, but they are also an 'early warning' signal from your body that something is not right and needs to change. Listen to your body and work on your problems to prevent further ill health.

If you need professional help in any of these areas, you are welcome to consult a professional online at Native Remedies

Here are some other useful eBooklets on the topic of Anxiety, Panic Attacks and Depression.

* Understanding And Treating Anxiety
* Help Yourself Overcome Panic Attacks
* Help Yourself Overcome Insomnia
* Understanding And Treating Depression

Feelgood Tip

Here's a private game to play, guaranteed to warm your heart! See how many people you can get to return a smile! Without looking loony, make eye contact, smile and greet each person you meet or pass (as long as it's not in a dark alley!). Count how many return your smile.

Not only does it feel good to have people smile at you, the facial muscles involved in smiling send messages to the brain, causing an increase in production of natural feelgood brain chemicals! Try it - you'll be surprised!

Jammy Hokins writes for where you can find out more about cheap hotels and other topics.Sonnnie Blog3893
Sheena Blog35889

Ohio Schools Walnut Hills High School At Carnegie Hall

New York Citys Carnegie Hall is world renowned for hosting the worlds best artists all of whom have considered it an honor and privilege to perform there. In April 2007, the Hall will host the National Invitational Band and Orchestra Festival.

The festival is sponsored by Field Studies International, allowing high school musical groups from across the country to compete using a recorded audition tape. This year, 18 groups have won the coveted opportunity to perform on the stage at Carnegie Hall. Frank Battisti of the New England Conservatory, Craig Kirchhoff of the University of Minnesota, and H. Robert Reynolds of the University of Southern Carlifornia will judge the event, providing recorded comments and a recording of the performance for each musical group. The wind ensemble at Ohio schools Walnut Hills in Cincinnati is one of the 18 groups selected for the final competition at Carnegie Hall.

While most Ohio schools were cutting back on their music programs, the Ohio schools Walnut Hills was maintaining its 11 bands. Kerry Kruze, music teacher at the Ohio schools Walnut Hills, believes that students thrive on the arts. The participants in the wind ensemble play with amazing precision and brilliant sound, according to Kruze, proving that music is not just for kids whose parents can afford it.

Besides the ensemble, the Ohio schools Walnut Hills has a choir, an orchestra, a band, a jazz ensemble, and a steel drum program. Walnut Hills clearly pushes their music programs the same as their academics and their music programs continue to grow.

The ensemble ranks as one of the best bands in the nation with 69 musicians. It is the top performing band of the 11 musical groups from the school and competes at the highest level of competitions, sponsored by the Ohio Music Education Association. The Ohio schools ensemble practices in the basement of the school, an aging accommodation with a leaky roof.

The Ohio schools group will be playing four college-level pieces, one of which is Leonard Bernsteins difficult Overture to Candide. It has taken a lot of hard work and practice for the ensemble, who plans to be perfecting their performance right up until they leave for New York.

After they received the invitation to compete at Carnegie Hall in October, the cost of transportation and accommodations while in New York became a problem. The ensemble members and their families sold pizzas, magazines and other fundraising activities for four months. In the end, the Ohio schools group had raised $1,000 per person plus extra funds from the bands booster group.

While in New York, the ensemble and their chaperones will see a Broadway show, visit museums, take in a jazz show at Birdland jazz club, and see the sights of the city.

Patrica Hawke is a staff writer for Schools K-12, providing free, in-depth reports on all U.S. public and private K-12 schools. For more information on Houston Schools please visit Blog30042
Shanna Blog82785

San Antonio Schools Evaluate Texas Tomorrow Plan

Students in San Antonio Schools in 2008 will have college savings options that havent existed since 2003. The Texas Tomorrow II plan is a revamped version of the original state savings program that many residents in San Antonio Schools blasted as useless before it was ended in 2003.

The problem with the original plan was that it didnt account for inflation. So San Antonio Schools families who used it as their main vehicle for college savings found themselves no better off. Governor Rick Perry announced this newer version that is based on the purchase of units. Heres how it works.

Imagine a student in the San Antonio Schools hope to attend a decent four year college. The parents would purchase the appropriate number of units that the family can currently afford. Unlike the old plan, families dont have to pay for 2, 4 or 5 years, but whatever they want. The Texas Prepaid Higher Education Board will set prices annually. Currently a two-year college costs 23 units for a full year, and four-year colleges range from 57-81 units.

Proponents in San Antonio Schools and throughout Texas claim that this protects parents because any inflation increases will be paid by the colleges. However, some in the San Antonio Schools fear that the results might actually hurt those the plan was designed to help. A great concern for San Antonio Schools is closing the achievement gap that exists between white and minority students. There is a strong correlation between poverty and poor academic success. Some administrators in San Antonio Schools fear that the current set-up will put colleges in the position of raising tuition to make up for the inflation they are stuck paying. And whos left with the higher tuition? Students who didnt purchase prepaid programs- usually the lower income families.

Thats not to say that most residents of San Antonio Schools dont like the program. Actually, most parents are pleased that the state has finally replaced the old model. Some features that parents in the San Antonio Schools like are that they can transfer funds from the old program, or from 529 plans, into the Texas Tomorrow II plan. Its also more accessible because families can start paying even if they dont have money to pay for a complete year.

But, some parents and educators in San Antonio Schools point out- its still not perfect. Funds can't be used for books, food or housing; all items that make up a significant portion of college tuition. And for the poorest students in Texas and in San Antonio, it may not do much to get them into college. Still, the overall attitude of most of San Antonio Schools families seems to be that they need all the help they can get. With college cost rising, and even upper middle class families struggling meet tuition, its not surprising that scores of San Antonio families are eagerly anticipating the new plan.

Patricia Hawke is a staff writer for Schools K-12, providing free, in-depth reports on all U.S. public and private K-12 schools. For more information please visit Blog33465
Sidonnie Blog44941

Las Vegas Schools Prosper this Summer

A Celebration of Progress Marks the Opening of New Las Vegas School Buildings

This past August, leaders from the Las Vegas Schools gathered at the Cashman Theatre for A Celebration of Progress. This was a celebration to mark the opening of nine new schools and one replacement school in the Las Vegas School System. In attendance were officials from Las Vegas Schools, Nevada State officials, community leaders, school principals, and architects. Las Vegas Schools A Celebration of Progress was hosted by entertainer Clint Holmes.

The event was sponsored by The Council of Educational Facility Planners International; this is the eighth year that the Council of Educational Facility Planners International has sponsored this event. The Council of Educational Facility Planners International is an organization of education and construction professionals that aims to improve the places in which students learn. Various models and renderings of the new facilities were displayed and the students from these new schools created exhibits promoting school spirit. This years keynote speakers were Las Vegas Schools Superintendent Dr. Walt Rulffes and Mrs. Ruth Johnson, President of the Clark County School District Board of School Trustees. The Hal Smith Elementary School choir performed, as well as the CP Squires After School All-Stars folkloric dance team.

The new school buildings were constructed to meet Las Vegas Schools expanding enrollment that will have around 12,000 new students enroll for the 2006-2007 school year. This influx of new students raises the total number of students in the Las Vegas Schools to over 300,000. The new schools include six elementary schools, two middle schools and one high school. The replacement school building is also a high school.

At the August 9th A Celebration of Progress event Paul Gerner, Associate Superintendent for Facilities, thanked the architectural and construction partners who made the new schools possible. The Las Vegas Schools system is expected to continue is substantial growth for many years to come.

Las Vegas School Students Take Part in Youth Leadership Summit

This summer several Las Vegas Schools students went to the Youth Leadership Summit in Washington, D.C. The Youth Leadership Summit was created through a partnership between The National Council for Community and Education Partnerships and Booz Allen Hamilton. The Youth Leadership Summit is designed to give students an opportunity to participate in educational reform. Students invited to the Youth Leadership Summit were participants in the Las Vegas Schools GEAR UP program, which is a national program, intended to increase the number of students who go to and succeed in university and college. Along with participation in the GEAR UP program, students were selected based on their academic performance, leadership roles they take in their schools and recommendations from their principals and teachers. All of the participants from Las Vegas Schools will be seniors in the 2006-2007 school year.

The Youth Leadership Summit included different activities in the areas of teamwork and leadership that encouraged the students to share their own perspectives on how educators should improve student achievement. The suggestions that resulted from the Youth Leadership Summit included: creating information centers that would aid students and families in finding information for postsecondary education and creating peer and adult tutoring and mentoring programs that support middle and high school students.

Stacy Andell is a staff writer for Schools K-12, providing free, in-depth reports on all U.S. public and private K-12 schools. Stacy has a nose for research and writes stimulating news and views on school issues. For more information on Las Vegas schools visit Blog34308
Suellen Blog42590

The Magic Of Speed Reading!

Speed reading is an art you learn with time. However, people always believe that some people are specially talented at every skill. But the truth of the matter is you can be whatever you want to be, all you need to do is identify an area that you are passionate about, set goals about understanding it, use action plan as your vehicle to master this area or skill then you will become an expert as long as you have enough will and determination to follow through. Speed reading is no exception.

If you want to achieve proficiency in speed reading, you will need enough passion and determination to undertake all speed reading strategies, apply your mind to it. To make it easier for you, each time you come across a material you want to speed read, try to scan through, try reading it. Take note of Titles and sub-titles then move in to the body of the material, start reading but make sure that you concentrate on the thought of the writer instead of the words, this way when you come across difficult words, you can skip it and still understand the content of the material.

We are going to sample a material in the sciences and see how well you will fare in this area. Take a look at the write-up below and try speed reading it:

The Guru That Demystifies The Light Theory
The Famous German Scientist

Born in the 1800s, Albert Einstein was a genius who set out to prove the existing light theories wrong in his high school.

Einstein's action of trying to prove an existing Newtonian Mechanic theory wrong brought him a bad name and hence he was seen as a rebel. The authorities were against this behaviour or new notion from a "nobody". On seeing that the school will not condone him, he quit schooling and went on to successfully prove the theory wrong before the eyes of the world. This gave birth to the Brownian explanation of movement of light molecules. Einstein went further to establish the photon theory of light and continue to teach others about his new discoveries.

As a speed reader the first thing you should take note of is the title. The Title tells you what the material is all about. As you look down the subtitle further clarifies the title and this will start opening your insight of the material. On reaching the first paragraph, you already know that the story is about Albeit Einstein who came from Germany. This will help you read fast as you may be already familiar with the story. As you move on into the second paragraph, try scanning through and grasp main ideas as quickly as possible. Try to see if you understand what you went through.

A typical speed reader will define it this way

Einstein found out the flaws in the existing theories of his time and made effort to correct this with proof instead of just claiming it to be wrong.

The above summary can result if a speed reader just scan through the first sentence and pick out main ideas, then proceed to the second which has all the main details. The first sentence opens our eyes to who the material is making reference to and since it is a familiar topic, the main thing will be to quickly skim through the second sentence to get ideas. Thus you will not need to read every word of the article to fully comprehend it. Along the line, if and when you come across difficult words or unfamiliar words skip it and search familiar words that describes the material, then later come back to decipher the meaning of these words.

Joe Okoro writes about Speed Reading in his free reports. You can sign up for his courses and get additional information by visiting: http://speedreadingguideonline.comStefania Blog79580
Sonia Blog77547

Inappropriate Teacher-Student Relationships Eroding Parent-Teacher Trust

How does this keep happening? Last Monday (June 25), ABC's Good Morning America (along with every media outlet in the US) reported another case of a trusted teacher hitting on a student! This time it's a male teacher involved in an inappropriate relationship with a female student. What's happening to the parent/teacher trust factor? Let's be honestit's evaporating faster than you can say, "crazy teachers and sexual misconduct."

I mean, I know it's a youth worshiping country, but this is getting ridiculous. According to every TV and radio station in the US, long time track coach Brenton Wuchae first started paying special attention to his then 14 year old student, Windy Hagar, a few years ago. He started giving her special attention and rides home from practice, which progressed into heavy texting, and eventually into full blown "love". What was a gaw-gaw couple in love to do? Head to the altar and tie the knot, of course!

There was only one thing standing in their way - - the law. Without the consent of Windy's parents, ole Brent would have been committing statutory rape if he had tried to whisk his 16 year old love away and wed secretly. Parents can't control everything, but until daughters are 18, they hold some pretty potent cards. Being armed with this power, what parent wouldn't choose to employ this restraint and give their starry eyed teenager a chance to get her head on straight?

The Hagars apparently! For some mysterious reason, Windy's mom and dad actually signed a parental consent form, and their sweet 16-year-old daughter became the wife of this 40 year old man. Windy's father, Dennis, said they were exhausted, that they had to "move on" because "it was going to kill us all."

They obviously had reasons that are very personal. I don't know all the dynamics involved in this family, but I'll tell you thisI don't get it. I admit I am wrong to judge from a distance. Perhaps they were indulging parents who just never learned to dominate their own emotions so they could say, "no". But let's put parents aside for a minute.

What concerns me more is that these cases cases of teachers involved in inappropriate romantic (and let's be honest sexual) relationships with their underage students are not diminishing. What's being done by state legislatures and school boards to reverse (or at least mitigate) the situation? Why aren't prospective teachers given a battery of "personality" tests before being offered their first 12 month contract?

Heck, you can't even get a good sales job without being subjected to the 4-5 hour Myers-Briggs Test. New sales candidates are told to relax, be yourself and answer honestly. After all, There are no "wrong answers" they say. Yeah...RIGHT! Of course there are wrong answers! If this weren't so, they'd require you to take the test AFTER they hire you! But I understand companies are trying to weed out timid, overly sensitive souls from their candidate base. For sales positions, they want driven people with the killer instinct. And why not they want results!

Don't you think it's about time these genius "personality profiling" companies came up with some type of "test" to weed out new teachers who are a little off-balance before they begin their teaching careers?

When Linda Felton Steinbaum approached me about producing her new play, Mustang Sally, I was excited because the subject is so topical. But its even more prevalent than I thought. Almost daily another case is in the news. Like dirty laundry, a long list of these cases with details about the age disparities is listed on the play's website; cases such as Lakina Stutts, Deana Bobo, Mary Kay Letourneau, Bethany Sherrill, Kelly Lynn Dalecki, Sherry Brians, Pamela Turner, Susan Eble, Tara Lynn Crisp, Laura Lynn Findlay, Carol Flannigan, Moan Marie Sladky, and let's not forget infamous Debra LaFave.. And these are only a few of the female offenders! I heard a rumor that the schools in Simi Valley California had three cases of female teachers and sexual misconduct with their students (that were successfully swept under the rug) LAST YEAR alone!

See the full ABC Good Morning America story of Mon, June 25, 2007, Anguished Parents Sign Consent Forms, Saying They Had No Choice at

Is it just me, or does anybody else find this disturbing?

Tish was an Art teacher at Newmark Junior High in the North Kansas City School District before moving to Los Angeles. She has since had principal acting roles in over 30 SAG and AFTRA productions and more than 35 stage productions. She has written several plays (one, YARD SALE, received 6 Drama-Logue Awards), 4 screenplays, several one-acts and 6 comedy episodes for a cable show. She has directed 5 plays (including Linda F Steinbaum's FAT CHANCE in 2006) and countless one-acts, as well as serving as producer for many of the projects listed.Sofie Blog34308
Shana Blog50980

Inequitable Funding For Some Within The New York Schools

In an attempt to get more funding into the poorer school districts and reduce funding for the wealthier districts, Governor Eliot Spitzer replaced the very rigid, long-standing formula for funding of the New York schools. The old formula gave the same per student funding to all New York schools districts without regard to needs or demographic/economic differences. Spitzer convinced Senate Republicans in wealthier districts, such as Long Island, to vote for his final budget by including special funding add-ons for only this year. The funding add-ons guaranteed that New York schools in the wealthier districts would receive similar funding as last year, though they are not guaranteed beyond this year.

A multitude of mathematical computations were required for this years funding formula, which gave a distribution of $1.76 million. Overall, it appears to be similar to last years distribution; however, upon a closer look, a disparity occurred between at least two New York schools districts that creates the exact opposite effect desired by the Governor.

Shelter Island school district in Suffolk County serves a resort town between the forks of Long Island. It has only one school with a New York schools student enrollment of 270 and is as close to being a private school as you can get and still be public. The area, itself, has higher local taxes than many New York schools districts, which means more funding for its school. With a higher median household income for its 2,000 plus residents and a low poverty rate, more funding from the New York schools can be used for programs that are a luxury in other New York schools.

With the new funding formula for the New York schools this year, Shelter Island almost doubled its funding over last year with a 90.5 percent increase compared to a statewide average increase of ten percent. By far, it was the biggest winner under this years funding formula. Last year, this New York schools district lost ten students to the CDCH Charter School in East Hampton. The funding add-ons gave Shelter Island additional funding to compensate for this loss of students (and per student funding). They will receive a total of $775,000 in funding, compared to last years $406,000. School board member Barbara Warren said the board is waiting for confirmation of the amount to ensure it is correct.

In contrast to Shelter Island, Germantown is a rural area in Columbia County across the river from Catskill. Like Shelter Island, Germantown has about 2,000 residents and only one school serving the entire district. An enrollment of 700 students, grades kindergarten through 12, are all in one building. The Germantown district is much poorer than Shelter Island with needs for funding to cover programs to aid its low-income students.

Germantown, a New York schools district that must count every penny of state funding it receives, will get an increase of only 0.6 percent this year. This is clearly an inequitable increase, compared to the wealthier Shelter Island funding amount. The only reason Superintendent Patrick Gabriel can find for the little funding increase is in the Public Excess Cost category, which covers the costs of students with disabilities. Though they did receive $700,000 in capital building funds, Germantown is clearly going to have to stretch every penny next school year.

Patrica Hawke is a staff writer for Schools K-12, providing free, in-depth reports on all U.S. public and private K-12 schools. For more information on Houston Schools please visit Blog90298
Sharleen Blog86515

How a 21 Year Old Makes Enough Money To Go To College For Free

How many times have you stayed up to watch a late-night infomercial, explaining to how you could make millions doing hardly any work?

I know I used to watch them, hoping one day Id finally find something actually worth investing my time and money into.

Fortunately I never had to take the route of taking the advice of some expert who wanted $599 from me to learn the secrets of the trade. I found something much more powerful, much easier, and much cheaper. It also takes up much less of my time.

What Im talking about is a company called Site Build It! also known as SBI! (Yes, the exclamation point is supposed to be there).

The owner of this company is an absolute genius. He found a growing trend that of building websites online - and figured out the weaknesses of other hosting companies and online website building companies, and turned them into SBIs strengths.

You see, building a website online is one of the easiest and best things you can do to create yourself an extra stream of income. All you need is a little of your time, some knowledge about any topic youre interested in, and the help of SBI!

However youll still hear many complaints from people that theyve tried building websites online and it doesnt work anymore. Im here to tell you that the only reason they arent succeeding is because they dont have Site Build It!

Another complaint from website owners is that although they thought it would be cheap to set up a website, it really isnt. Website builders lure you into thinking that youll only pay for the website address and the hosting fees, but they forget to mention that youll need thousands of dollars worth of extra tools in order to do well. They also dont mention the fact that unless you have studied Internet marketing for hundreds of hours, you will probably have no idea what youre doing.

With SBI! its very different. For one, its an all inclusive package. You wont ever have to buy any other software or tools in order to make your website succeed. You wont need to devote hundreds of hours into learning how to build and market a website on the Internet. Using the very unique block-builder literally anybody can make a website.

When I came across this company, I was blown away. Finally, an answer to all my problems was right in front of my eyes. I had this underlying feeling inside me that was saying this is the opportunity youre looking for. After you learn more about the company, youll probably feel the same way.

So I decided to purchase the product. After all, it comes with a satisfaction guarantee which means that if youre not happy with it, you can get a refund at any time.

I spent some time watching their 10-day action guide in order to learn the basics, and I was ready to go. I researched a few passions of mine (using the amazing tools they provide to make it super-easy) and figured out what would be the most profitable.

So I started writing, adding graphics, and setting up the website. To be honest, I spent a lot of time on it in the beginning because I got addicted! I never thought I would enjoy writing as much as I do now.

My income has grown every month, and right now I make enough money each month to pay off my college loans that Ill have to start paying when I graduate college this year.

How would you like to pay your mortgage each month, even if you hardly work? Or how about just have more money to spend on your spouse, entertainment, your children, or to fund other investments?

As a testament to how powerful it is to have your own website, let me share this with you. I just got back from vacation a few days ago. I was gone for a week and had absolutely no access to a computer. When I got back I checked my stats and figured out that I made $135 while on vacation!

Another great thing about having your own website is that you get to share your passion with thousands of people. Its a great feeling knowing that youre the expert people come to if they have questions about your passion or hobby.

SBI! has changed my life in such a way that I cant explain it. Its taught me countless lessons, made me more passive income than I could have ever expected, and continues to make more money as times goes on. The SBI! community is the most amazing online community Ive ever been a part of, and the owner, Ken Evoy, is a phenomenal person.

I believe everything happens for a reason. That being said, I believe theirs a reason that you found and read this article. Thats why I encourage you to visit the website listed in my bio just below this article and check out the website for further details. Opportunities are missed everyday. Dont let today be one of those days.

Jeremy Reeves is a college student who was lucky enough to come across a company called Site Build It! Through them he has built a website that continues to earn him enough money to pay for his college tuition. You can read his story at Blog53246
Silvana Blog78597

Doodlebops: IXS

Be Ready for getting on the Bus with the Doodlebops, kids' newest music sensation with tons of talent, loads of enthusiasm, and endless energy. If theres a preschooler in your life, you know the Doodlebops, the bubblegum Canadian rockers who star in their own show on Playhouse Disney. As the made-for-TV siblings, played by the bizarrely costumed, brightly colored Lisa Lennox (Deedee), Jonathan Wexler (Moe, who has an obsession with pulling on a suspended rope), and Chad McNamara (Rooney), embark on their first American tour (coming to the Garden on September 30 and October 1)

It is a golden opportunity to join them as they perform their hit songs from their popular TV show on Playhouse Disney in their first ever live U.S. concert tour. Kids will be out of their seats, on their feet with joy as they sing and dance along to their favorite songs from their favorite bandmates; Deedee, Rooney and Moe Doodle. This candy-colored trio is sure to deliver an interactive and unforgettable experience that will be a treat for the whole family.

The World reknowned Disney ( ) Channel has been hosting a wonderful show, called The Doodelbops, in their Playhouse Disney lineup each Monday through Friday. It has become very much popular in USA and Canada as the Doodlebops have achieved tremendous success in entertaining the preschooler by providing a mix of singing and dancing, rhyming and jokes and even a daily lesson. The Doodlebops are full of color, using face paint and wigs, but they are definitely the hot group in the preschooler set right now! Much like the Wiggles, they have taken over many households temporarily. Having opportunity of entertained by the Doodelhops, It is the guarantee that their Theme song will be on your lips all day long.

The Doodlebops is a musical comedy series for children starring Deedee, Rooney and Moe Doodle. They are the ultimate rock and roll band - at least as far as preschoolers are concerned - and they hang out and practice their song and dance routines in the coolest rehearsal space imaginable. Sort of a cross between PeeWee's Playhouse and The Monkees, the show focuses on music, dance, comedy and pro-social educational issues such as sharing and perspective taking. When The Doodlebops aren't rehearsing, they're zooming off in their tour bus to perform for kids everywhere!

In addition to the lovely colors, the Doodlebops make beautiful music. Each song has a simple lesson, and most are very memorable with catchy tunes. Your child will fall in love. As a parent, you may enjoy listening more than watching, because of the wild dress code the Doodlebops have. Whatever you decide to do, seeing the show once is something every parent needs to experience with his or her child!

Here are some of the lovely and wonderful songs of the Doodlebobs :-

a) Song : I can Dance Sung by Moe

Moe is hiding under a cmbal near his drum set. Rooney has a new invention. Moe is interested in knowing what it is, but they won't tell him because it's a surprise.Jazzmine enters and tells Moe to be himself and wait until the concert. He is unique and should stay that way.

While Rooney and DeeDee go to get juice, Moe cheats and looks at Rooney's invention - a drum machine. Then Moe worries that they are going to replace him.They go to the recording studio and Moe is still very worried. In the studio, Audio Murphy records their new video for 'I Can Dance'.

When the video is done, Bus Driver Bob picks them up. The bus became a stage for the Doodlebops before they took off for the concert, flying high under rocket power. Moe is still very worried.

At the concert hall they finally unveil the surprise. Moe admits he thought they were going to replace him. DeeDee and Rooney are quick to tell Moe that the Mighty Moe Machine was built to help him, so he can dance to his song without having to play the drums.

The following joke was included in this song.

Knock Knock
Who's There?
Luke who?
Luke out!

At the end, The Doddlebop completed their song with a Lesson that Everyone can use a little help once in a while to make them better. Today, Moe got help from the Mighty Moe Machine.

b) Wobbly Whoopsy is the another lovely amusing song of the Doodlebop.

Today is DeeDee's birthday. Rooney and Moe pretend they forgot, but blindfold DeeDee and decorate the room. For her birthday DeeDee wrote a new song and dance, called Wobbly Whoopsy. She wants Rooney and Moe to dance wearing tutus during the concert. They say no, because it is way to girly.

Rooney bakes a birthday cake; Moe causes him to step on it. This is very frequent this episode, as several cakes are ruined, and several gifts from Rooney are also ruined.

Bus Driver Bob gives DeeDee a small version of the bus, called the Doodlebop Express. At the concert hall,Mazz gives DeeDee a red necklace. Rooney and Moe still have nothing for DeeDee, not even a card.

They decide to give DeeDee a special gift. They will wear the tutus and do her new song and dance.

This Song also contained the following joke.

Who's there?
Snow who?
Snow body but me!

Finally,the Song has a very inspiring lesson , The cost of a gift does not matter; just give from your heart .

3) The Song, Your Not Alone is also wonderful and praiseworthy.

Today Mazz lets Moe know that he will have a solo in today's concert. Moe is very worried about this, and doesn't want to have a solo. He goes into a trance he is so scared, and Rooney and DeeDee actually put him under the rope and for the first time, they tell him to pull it. He does. Then he confesses he is afraid of messing up during his solo.

DeeDee and Rooney spend the afternoon convincing Moe he will do fine, and they will be there to support him.

The following amusing joke can be found in the song.

Who's there?
Tank who?
You're welcome!

This song has the thoughtful and spiriting lesson that You can do anything when you have the support of friends and family.

DeeDee Doodle : Lisa J. Lennox plays DeeDee Doodle, in pink and purple from head to toe she has a very sweet, melodic voice. DeeDee also plays the piano and likes to do magic tricks. She is a kind and helpful girl with a great imagination. She is also very good at writing songs.

Lisa herself is 23 years old and has been performing since her childhood when she was just 3 years old. In the past, Lisa Lennox has performed at the Gemini Awards and she had a small part in the introduction of the television series Road to Avonlea. Lisa is trained in music and dance and went to Etobicoke School of the Arts (ESA) instead of a traditional high school to further her love of the performing arts.

When the Doodlebops were first being filmed to show in Canada, Lisa and the rest of the cast spent 7 months filming scenes for 26 television episodes. She says that being on the Doodlebops is a dream come true, and very exciting. She also says that Jonathan and Chad helped to make the long days more bearable adding that the three of them spent a lot of time laughing which resulted in their close friendship.Lisa has great flair of making people happy, especially the children, and enjoys a lot on being part of the 'ultimate rock and roll band' for preschoolers.

Moe Doodle :Jonathan Wexler plays Moe Doodle, in red and orange he loves to pull the rope, play hide and seek and play the drums. He was a member of the Original Kids Theatre Company in London, Ontario, where he was born, and was in many Grand Theatre Productions. He is mysterious.

Rooney Doodle : Chad McNamara plays Rooney Doodle, who is blue, and he plays the guitar. Chad's previous performing credits include playing a Wrangler in Will Rogers Follies, shown for two weeks in and Ottowa Theater from November 23, to December 3, 1995. He was also part of the cast for Mamma Mia when it toured Canada in 2003. He is a thoughtful and cool doodlebop who is totallly Funky and Spunky. He is very good at inventing things.

Mazz Kim Roberts plays Mazz who plays the Manager for the Doodlebops.She is a known actress s, whose previous credits include guest appearances in Wonderfalls, Tracker, and Twice in a Lifetime and Soul Food.

Bus Driver Bob :John Catucci plays the Bus Driver Bob. who I think personally steals the show. He is an actor who has been performing professionally for 7 years now. While he was a member of Vanier College Productions at York University, John joined David Mesiano to form The Doo Wops, a musical comedy duo. The Doo Wops have won several awards for comedy and in both 2003 and 2004 they were the Canadian Comedy Award winners for the best sketch troupe. In addition to his comedy he has also worked with Jackie Chan on The Tuxedo, and ABC movie called Kiss My Act, and many Canadian television shows.

Feld Entertainment, Inc. and Cookie Jar Entertainment Partner to Bring Kids' Favorite Rockin' Band, the Doodlebops on Premiere U.S. Tour

FELD ENTERTAINMENT, INC. and leading children's company, COOKIE JAR ENTERTAINMENT, announced a partnership to bring the new rockin' music sensation for kids, The Doodlebops, to 40 cities across the country for their first live U.S. tour.

The Doodlebops have attracted a legion of pint-sized fans to their popular television show on the Disney Channel which introduces children to kid-themed music inspired by legendary artists such as The Beatles, The Black Eyed Peas, Aretha Franklin, and Beyonce.

Today, The Doodlebops previewed their U.S. tour with a special performance in front of thousands of children at Madison Square Garden following the 136th Edition of the Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey(R) 10:30 a.m. matinee. The official U.S. tour will kick-off fall 2006 and continue through spring 2007.

The exploding popularity of the band makes it a perfect live touring property. The Doodlebops live-action series focuses on three candy-colored, fun loving characters -- band mates Deedee, Rooney, and Moe Doodle who happen to be in a world famous rock band! Through their energetic music, enviable dance moves, upbeat attitudes, and rockin' storylines, The Doodlebops share positive messages with their young viewing audience, and introduce them to a variety of musical and dance styles. Whether rehearsing their latest dance in their club house, touring the world in their groovy tour bus, or debuting a brand new song in concert, The Doodlebops are always encouraging youngsters to share, cooperate, learn from each other, and to get up and dance!

The Doodlebops is a top performer for Disney Channel in the U.S., and is also one of Kids' Canadian Broadcasting Corporation's (CBC) most popular programs. The talented trio is the most dynamic new children's act on the scene, using its top-rated, Toronto-produced TV show to entertain and educate preschoolers with a combination of original music inspired by artistic icons, dynamic dancing, humor and fun to convey positive pro-social messages about teamwork, overcoming fears, and trying new things.

The group has a proven track record of success not only on television, but on live tour with their recent sell out of major venues for the spring 2006 Canadian ticketed tour. Chairman and CEO of Feld Entertainment, Kenneth Feld says, "This talented trio has become the new popular band for young children and is creating sensational buzz; we look forward to partnering with Cookie Jar Entertainment to spread their magic to families and children across the United States."

According to Toper Taylor, President and Chief Operating Officer of Cookie Jar Entertainment, "We're thrilled to be working with the world's premier live entertainment company, Feld Entertainment, to take The Doodlebops on tour across the United States, and we expect a tremendous response from the show's enthusiastic and loyal young fans, as well as their parents."

Feld Entertainment, Inc. is the worldwide leader in producing and presenting live entertainment experiences that lift the human spirit and create indelible memories, with millions of people in attendance at its shows each year. Feld Entertainment's productions have appeared in 50 countries and on six continents to date and include Disney On Ice, Disney Live! and Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey(R).

Cookie Jar Group develops and markets quality products to children,their caregivers, parents and teachers. Cookie Jar Group's products reflect ts commitment to providing the best in children's published content, animated and live action programming and innovative educational and entertainment-driven products worldwide. The group of companies consists of Cookie Jar Entertainment Inc. and Cookie Jar Education Inc., as well as a 20% interest in Teletoon Canada Inc., Canada's only all-animation broadcaster.

Cookie Jar Entertainment Inc., Cookie Jar Group's entertainment operation, is a leading, global, independent producer, marketing and brand manager of such renowned children's properties as "Arthur," "The Doodlebops," "Caillou" and "Gerald McBoing Boing." Combining globally-renowned intellectual properties with an industry-recognized management team, Cookie Jar Entertainment Inc. is a market-driven, brand building company that is committed to children first and foremost and is dedicated to the development and production of quality programming that embraces the whole child, with animated and live-action series that entertain, inspire and enlighten children and family audiences worldwide.

Sing and dance along with kids' favorite rockin' band from the hit TV show on Playhouse Disney.

For more information about doodle bops visit:

Heidi Grumm hosts and expresses her passion for pod casting through writing and discussion. She works for Less Corporation at Copyright Heidi Grumm.Stephana Blog15748
Suellen Blog47637

Apa Style Research Paper

APA style research paper writing is a professional style of writing. It may also be referred to as a particular standard format that is followed for writing academic and research papers. This is already suggested in its name, along with APA, which stands for American Psychological Association. An APA style research paper is one that follows strict guidelines. The different rules in this particular format allow you to trace information back to their sources easily. This is why it is mainly used for research purposes.

APA style research paper writing refers to two basic aspects. One is the paper layout, and the other is the referencing. Both these points are followed closely in order to prevent confusion. Researchers, professors, students, etc. tend to recommend a particular format for their papers to be written in. The APA style research paper format is one particular style that they ask for. This is because it is quite simple to follow, and is a widely recognized format.

An APA style research paper has a particular format for each page. In general, you will have 1-inch margins on each side of a page. Each page is usually 8.5 by 11 inches, and the text is double-spaced. With a 12 point Times New Roman font, each page should contain around 250 words. An APA style research paper format will also have a running head on each page, with the page number mentioned in the top right corner.

Your APA style research paper will have different headings for each section of your paper. You will have an Abstract, an Introduction, Objectives, Hypothesis, Methodology, Literature Review, Analysis, Conclusion, and Recommendations. In addition these headings, there can be others. In an APA style research paper, you may also have a Table of Contents too. This can be an automatically generated one if you produce your research essay on computer. A table of contents produced in Microsoft Word will help you to reach the desired section of your paper by just clicking the section name in the table of contents.

Besides the layout of an APA style research paper with its relevant sections, referencing is important too. The References section of the paper follows the Conclusion and Recommendations. It provides bibliographic detail of the sources used for writing the paper. While bibliographic entries are made in the References section, corresponding in-text citations are placed within the text. These citations link the sources of information to the places in the text where you have used them. In an APA style research paper, in-text citations will carry typically the surname of an author, the year of publication, and the page numbers of the source used.

Writing an APA style research paper takes some practice. The sooner you learn how to use this standard research paper-writing format, the more professional your work will look. To improve your APA style research paper writing skills, you can use any online source that provides relevant information. However, try to use a source that provides as much detail as possible.

Sharon White is a senior writer and writers consultant at Term Papers writing.Sophronia Blog14194
Stacey Blog16063

Go for Higher Education on Bad Credit Unsecured Student Loan

Students have no source of own income and hence need to borrow for each of their expenses such as tuition fee, hostel fee, food, books, travel etc. Bad credit unsecured student loan is mostly required for college education expenses. It is easier to avail bad credit unsecured student loan than it is thought to be.

It must be noted that one can go for a bad credit student loan only when the student has completed his education and has started earning. Now to qualify for the bad credit student loan a student is required to earn a minimum of 10000 to 15000. But the earning does not make the loan taking easy as lenders still think that students are not in regular employment and plus there is this bad credit of the student which is a deterrent.

Despite some hurdles posed by the lenders, they offer bad credit unsecured student loan to the students. These students do not offer any security of the borrowed amount to the lender, hence, to cover the risks involved the lender charge higher interest on the loan. The loan amount will depend on how much the student is earning which indicates the repayment capability of the student. Students do not have to worry about repayment duration of the loan much as normally lenders give ample time which is when the student actually starts earning through regular employment

Parents of student can be of great help. If parents possess better credit than the student he can opt for a PLUS loan which is given to parents and the amount can be utilized by the student.

One disadvantage of bad credit unsecured student loan is that it comes with higher interest rate. The lender has to cover for the high risk involved in the loan offer which prompts him to charge higher interest rate. The higher interest rate should not worry students because many of these loans defer payment till they finish college and start on a regular job.

You can source the loan from credit card companies and banks but both of them will charge very high interest rate and there are in-built dangers also. One option is that you search for the lender on internet and see if terms-conditions suit you and apply to the lender.

Bad credit student loan enables you in taking finance for higher studies even when you are not regularly employed. The loan besides meeting educational expenses goes a long way in improving credit score also.

Peter Taylor is a senior financial analyst at Bad-credit-unsecured-loan with an acumen for finance and insurance. In recent years he has taken up to provide independant financial advice through his informative articles. His articles are widely read because of the lucid manner of wriiting and thoroughly researched datas. To find bad credit unsecured student loan, bad credit unsecured tenant loans, unsecured bad credit tenant loans UK that best suits your need visit http://www.bad-credit-unsecured-loan.netSiana Blog66271
Sidonia Blog44599

Funding Part-time Education

Being a part-time student has advantages and disadvantages. Sometimes it seems like every program is geared towards full-time students. How can you pay for your education and make both your budget and time work?

As a part-time student, you have some advantage over full-time students. You can work more hours during the school year to earn more money. However, you might be a part-time student so that you can take care of your children, or because you volunteer someplace. These are the times when it can be harder to fund part-time education.

Full-time students get a discount on tuition: generally, each of their courses is less expensive than each of yours. This means that you will be spending more money to go to school. Full-time students also have the advantage that they get more funding from scholarships, bursaries, and other sources. Its disappointing to see full-time status as a requirement on so many applications.

You can apply for loans designed specifically for part-time students. You want to find a loan that best matches your profile. If you are working, you might be able to begin paying the loan back right away. If you are not working, then you will want a loan that you dont have to pay back for at least a few years, and ideally until you have done your school. This isnt a problem if you will one be in school two or three years (taking a one-year diploma or certificate, for example). However, if you are doing an undergraduate degree that takes four years typically, on a part-time basis this will likely take you six to eight years.

One way to finish your degree faster and still be a part-time student is to take classes during the entire year. Many full-time students only take classes for two semesters a year, or eight months. If you take half the classes for the full year, you will have done 75% of the courses a full-time student takes. This means that you will be done school sooner, and increases your chances of getting a loan that you dont have to repay until you graduate.

The key to being a part-time student is time management. If you have kids at home, you will need to block out certain hours a week to work on school. If you are working full-time and taking courses on the side, it might seem like the reading is the least important thing for you to do. Keeping on top of your schoolwork now will make it easier when crunch time rolls around and you are doing exams, essays, and reports.

If you are going to school part-time to increase your skills for your job, you might be able to get your employer to pay for all or part of your education. Even if your education is not directly related to your job, you might be able to get special scholarships because of your association with your workplace. Ask your employer and ask your school about what is available.

Your schools office of student awards and financial aid will be able to help you discover certain awards that are only awarded to part-time students. The Organization of Part-time University Students (or OPUS) can help you find work, find scholarships, and discover new ways to pay for your education. If your school is not affiliated with OPUS, you can check them out on the web, and go to your schools equivalent department.

Time management skills will also increase your ability to earn money. This will help you pay for your education faster. And the skills that you develop in time management (organization, work ethic, planning) will also help you in your money management.

Manage your money wisely. It can be difficult when you are a part-time student and all of your friends are not in school. They might be out at the bars or shopping all the time, but you have to be realistic about what you can afford. Choose cheaper options, like having your friends over instead of going out, to help make your lifestyle fit your means.

Going to school part-time can be a lot of hard work, but the end result is ultimately rewarding. Explore your options with your school, with your bank, and with your employer to work out the best deal for you.

Morgan James is the editor of The Guide to Student Loans contains all the information that you need to get ready to go back to school without breaking the bank.Stacey Blog16063
Shamit Blog44327

My Issues with Religion

As a young boy I went to the Catholic school and served as an altar boy in our communitys church. My father, an E-7 registered nurse, was shipped off to Iraq during the first Gulf War in 1991. My mother, also a nurse, was stationed at the Walter Reed hospital in Maryland.

It was not until my high school years that I came to the realization that something was not right in regards to religion, although I still felt guilty for not believing in the modern church or in a higher being. My parents were often frustrated with me for not wanting to attend mass. I told them that it did not make sense for me to see people walk into church, pretend to be holy and righteous, only to walk out and become morally destructive. What I did and still believe in are the messages of universal respect for one another. For me, it was a turning point in my life when I realized that there are times when you and I need to take second look at life and try to make real sense of it. In addition, I also did not feel comfortable losing personal control or placing my fate in the hands of another imaginary being.

Too often people take the bible and its stories literally. We need to realize that these stories were told to make moral points. How many times have you played telephone with say 10 people only to have your message completely mixed up? Probabaly quite often. If i was telling the story of Jesus and it lasted over 2000 years, I would have him walking on water too!

So, it is with this understanding that I have come to believe that the church was created in order to give us civilized meaning, or a way to control the masses by mutual respect and basic understanding of the human psyche. Faith contributes in giving people hope, humility, and the courage to take risks. However, If we lose our ability to ponder logically and fall behind in the ways of science and research, our progressive roots will struggle to advance human progress.

Stephen OakesShoshana Blog8053
Sheena Blog35889

How to Choose Aspergers Schools

Choosing the right school for any child can be stressful; finding one for your child with Aspergers can be almost too frightening. Every child deserves a good education and the law provides that children with disabilities such as Aspergers be educated with teachers trained in handling such disabilities in practice; however, finding good teachers isn't always easy.

Parents must decide whether or not their child will be best managed in a mainstream school, with a high rate of contact with mainstream children, or in a special or residential school, where the chances of the child coming in contact with mainstream children is considerably less. Special and residential schools may have better educational programs for autistic children but may not provide enough positive role models of more normal' behaviors. Some people also feel that special schools can encourage kids to mimic other children with similar problems.

For most children with Aspergers I would consider that as a basic "rule of thumb" mainstream schools with support will be the best option for your child's long term progression. This is because for children with Aspergers the main issue is not one of cognition, learning or understanding it is more the case of challenges with social situations. So the child is best if supported well in an environment where typical peers for the rest of his life (i.e. the general population) are around. Because obviously the much more "artificial world" of special schools and communities does not prepare children as well for the general community. But I must stress this is a "rule of thumb" as there are certain institutions and certain individual cases where this much more specialized approach would be beneficial.

Choosing the exact right school most definitely needs a visit to the school and a talk with the teachers who will be teaching your child. Before such a visit it is essential to have considered your own fears and thoughts about the school experience for your child. Even more importantly the thoughts and feelings of your child with Aspergers. What questions do they have, what do they want to know more about. You can draw up a list of questions between you that you can take along and ask of the staff at the school.

Some of these questions may include: - How integrated will the child be in the classroom? - What techniques are used to support pupils if they are struggling to cope and about to go into "melt down"? - What is the plan for reducing arousal if necessary? - Will your child be well taught both theoretically and practically about coping and living in the community with others?

Your child may want to know how teachers will talk to him, what the other pupils will be like, what subjects and classes he will be in etc. Some of your choice in relation to schools will depend on the degree of Aspergers your child has and his or her age. Younger children will need very small class sizes with early education so that, when the child reaches school age, he or she may be more integrated into the classroom.

The right' school understands Aspergers and has methods in place for teaching children with Aspergers. They carry a positive attitude about Aspergers and place expectations on your child for progress, in whatever way it occurs, in the school setting. The greater is the likelihood that you'll feel your child's needs are being addressed and that he/she will have a chance to improve along with learning important social skills from other children.

But once you have chosen the right school this is only really the beginning as you then need to work closely with the teachers to ensure that they know all about your child. They may well know about Autism and Aspergers. But they won't know about your individual child. It is your job to be an advocate for your child and teach the school what they need to know.

So to summarize this article on choosing a school the major decision for parents is mainstream V special school. Beyond this the child and parents must visit the schools with pre-prepared questions to help make their decision. Then once the child is at school it is essential for the parent to educate the school staff further about the child.

Dave Angel is a social worker with families who have children on the Autistic Spectrum and is the author of a new e-book that answers the 46 most asked questions by parents of children with Aspergers. To claim your free 7 day Mini-Course for parents of children with Aspergers Syndrome visit today.Shirl Blog94876
Stoddard Blog32586

NextStudent Offers PLUS Loans for Graduate and Professional Students

According to Phoenix-based NextStudent, a premier education funding company, the proliferation of graduate and professional programs has led to new sources of education funding designed to benefit these goal-orientated students who are, in essence, beginning their career by continuing on in their education. As the job market in the United States continues to generate a need for applicants who are highly competitive in specified fields from technology to the ever-growing medical field, undergraduate students across the country are beginning to feel the squeeze as graduate and professional degrees become must-haves for even intermediate and entry-level positions.

The decision to continue education onto the graduate and professional level is one that oftentimes comes with considerable financial stress because of the continued financial obligation. However, NextStudents Graduate PLUS Loan ( Program may allow borrowers to fund up to the full cost of their education (less any financial aid received), including living expenses, books, supplies and even computers.

NextStudent now offers a PLUS Loan Program for graduate and professional students with rates starting as low as 8.5 percent. The Graduate PLUS Loan Program features the same benefits directly to graduate and professional students that parents of undergraduate students receive from traditional PLUS loans ( Because NextStudent Graduate PLUS loans are federally sponsored, they offer many of the perks of traditional PLUS loans, including eligibility for federal student loan consolidation (, tax-deductible interest and a variety of repayment options.

Eligibility and Credit Resolution

NextStudent offers a simple online application process through E-Signature, and many prospects who apply online qualify within minutes. Also offered is a second look for borrowers who receive an initial denial because of unresolved credit issues. NextStudent has a PLUS Credit Resolution Team that has an 87 percent success rate at resolving borrowers credit issues, resulting in funded PLUS loans.

Graduate PLUS loans ( easily are accessible to many students. To qualify a student must be a U.S. citizen or an eligible noncitizen. Although a credit check is required, many students with limited or no credit history still qualify for Graduate PLUS loans.

Flexible Repayment Options and Aggressive Incentives

With all the great incentives offered by NextStudent and its Graduate PLUS Loan Program, now is the right time for students to take the next step and go for their graduate degree.

NextStudent Graduate PLUS loans offer several repayment options including deferred repayment while a student is enrolled in school at least half time, and there are no prepayment penalties, ever. There also is a 3 percent cash rebate at repayment on the remaining principal balance after the first 12 months of consecutive on-time payments when student borrowers pay through Auto-Debit. In addition, a 2 percent interest rate reduction is available after the first 48 months of consecutive on-time payments when student borrowers pay through Auto-Debit. Student borrowers receive a .25 percent reduction when they choose repayment through Auto-Debit.

NextStudent, federal lender code 834051, is dedicated to helping students and their families find affordable ways to pay for college. NextStudent offers one-on-one education finance counseling and has a portfolio of highly competitive education finance products and services including a free online scholarship search engine, federally guaranteed parent and student loans, private student loans, both federal and private student loan consolidation ( programs, and college savings plans.

The NextStudent Scholarship Search Engine, one of the nations oldest and largest scholarship search engines, is updated daily, available free of charge, completely private and represents 2.4 million scholarships worth $3.4 billion.

For more information about NextStudent and its student loan programs, please visit the companys Web site at

Jeff Mictabor is an enthusiast on the topic of student loan issues in the news. He has been writing for the past 10 years for a variety of education publications. He now offers his writing services on a freelance basis.Shirl Blog33973
Steffie Blog57487

Financing Your College Education

Through all of the ups and downs of applying to college there is one truth you should always remember:

if you want to go to college you will REGARDLESS OF FINANCIAL CIRCUMSTANCE.

Financing your college education can be the most stressful step in the process, however a little preparation and research make all the difference. The money is out thereyou just need to know where to look.

Scholarships are a great place to begin. The term scholarship does not only apply to aid granted to talented athletes at division I schools (though if you are a varsity athlete this could be an option and your coach is a great resource). In fact, there are innumerable scholarships and scholarship sources out there and you can start looking at any time.

Here are some suggestions for places to start in your quest of financing your college education;

First, look in your community. What activities are you involved in? Do you volunteer with children at a non-profit organization? Are you active within your religious community? Are you an aspiring writer/doctor/researcher? People and organizations are constantly setting up scholarships for future students based on any number of criteria. Ask around your community and look on-line.

Also, your high school offers scholarships for achievement in the arts, sports, or academics or perhaps to a student of a specific ethnic background or some combination of these. Go to your schools college office and ask for a list of scholarships offered by your school and the surrounding community.

Remember that the Internet is a great resource. You can never apply for too many scholarships because you have NOTHING to lose (only money to gain!) and remember that this is money that you will not have to pay back.

The next crucial step towards financing your education is to fill out your free application for federal student aid or FAFSA form. You will need to do this the winter before you plan to attend, so the colleges can assess your need and put together a financial aid package for you. It is recommended that you fill out the FAFSA online.

Make sure to be organized. For example, have your parents there with you because the form will require information regarding their income and taxes paid in the previous year. Also be ready to answer questions about your own earnings.

When your package arrives you will see that it is compiled of two main sections: Grants and loans. Federal grants will be given only to the students with the greatest financial need and does not have to be paid back. There are also loans in your FAFSA, which is money they will put up front for your education, but that you will have to pay back later with varying interest rates. There are options outside of your FAFSA depending on your specific circumstance and the school you plan to attend, (for example private loans) which should be researched by you, your school and your family. Though interest rates sound intimidating, remember that you are attending college to better your future and with that comes a higher income bracket. Remember to be realistic when negotiating a payment plan.

There can be many obstacles when facing your future educationbut remember that financing your college education should never be an insurmountable one. Accept the challenge with an open, organized mind and you will find a way to comfortably finance for your future.

To learn more about financing your college education visit How To Pay Student Loans at

Susanna Rasmussen is a regular contributor to How To Pay Student Loans. To read more articles on how to finance your college education or other college rlated articles please visit Blog53581
Stacy Blog94243

Dress Code Is New Hot Button For The Houston Schools

School dress codes have been around for decades, but they gained more prominence in schools and are stricter in recent years in response to the permeation of gangs and violence within the schools at all levels. In addition to maintaining modesty within the schools, dress codes now ban gang paraphernalia, colors and symbols; shirts with writing; head coverings; and other such accessories that have been linked to gangs or school violence.

Though all of the Houston schools have dress codes, each of the Houston schools develops their own policy. One thing all Houston schools dress codes have in common is an allowance for religious accommodation. When Houston schools students religious traditions and dictates conflict with school dress codes, exemptions may be made. With the diversity being felt by the Houston schools in recent years, Houston schools principals are striking a delicate balance between religious freedoms and safety issues on an increasing basis.

One example is the Houston ISD campus, which has students from 72 countries. Principal Steve Amstutz receives many dress code exemption requests each year. His policy is to meet privately with a student requesting a waiver to discuss the matter. If the request is genuine and religious-based, the exemption is granted.

In the precedent-setting 1969 Supreme Court decision of Tinker v. Des Moines Independent School District, the court ruled, It can hardly be argued that either students or teachers shed their constitutional rights to freedom of speech or expression at the schoolhouse gate. Since this ruling, disputes over dress code that become lawsuits generally see the courts ruling in favor of the students, especially when they concern religious dress.

Though most dress code disputes remain within the Houston schools, requests for exemptions and complaints are on the increase. Charles C. Haynes, senior scholar with the First Amendment Center, studies the issue of religious exceptions to dress codes and school uniforms. He notes the increase is due to stricter dress code policies to ensure a safer environment, as well as the growth and organization of some minority groups that are becoming more vocal.

Jehovahs Witnesses and Seventh-Day Adventists were the first to dispute the dress code policies of the Houston schools. Currently, the Muslims are at the forefront, though other groups, such as Hindus and Sikhs, are beginning to organization, as well.

Though some Islamic dress and traditions are not mandatory, such as males wearing beards, many Islamic scholars recommend them. Muslimas (Islamic females) experience problems when uniforms are required to be worn or the school does not allow any headwear. For many, they wear the traditional Islamic robes (jilbab or abaya) and hijab (head scarf). Many Islamic students see it as their duty to adhere to their religious traditions, especially around the holiday of Ramadan.

Iliana Gonzalez, a civil rights specialist for the Houstons Council on American-Islamic Rights, fields about 35 complaints annually from Houston schools students regarding dress code. She said a phone call to the Houston schools principal usually resolves the issue. Many Houston schools administrators are not aware of the law regarding such matters, though most parents do not wish any action beyond the phone call.

Patricia Hawke is a staff writer for Schools K-12, providing free, in-depth reports on all U.S. public and private K-12 schools. For more information on Houston schools visit Blog59350
Shirleen Blog96247

Spider-Man 2 (DVD) Review

The summer blockbuster of 2004, Spider-Man 2 follows in the footsteps of its prequel with more thrilling action and enthralling special effects. Directed by Sam Raimi and based on the Stan Lee comic, the film follows the exploits of teenager (Peter Parker) bitten by a genetically modified spider. The spider bite results in the development of spider-like abilities on Peter's behalf which he uses to become a crime-fighting superhero

In this latest installment of the Spider-Man epic, Peter Parker (Tobey Maguire) is once again busy fighting crime. In fact, his studies and personal relationships are greatly effected by the time he spends as a superhero. Peter's love, Mary Jane Watson (Kirsten Dunst), is tired of being hurt by Peter who seems to never keep his commitments. Meanwhile, Peter's friend Harry Osborn (James Franco) remains consumed with his vendetta against Spider-Man who he believes is responsible for the death of his father. Nevertheless, Harry still finds time to run his father's corporation which deals with cutting edge technologies.

One of Harry's employees is Dr. Otto Octavius (Alfred Molina), a brilliant and fascinating scientist, who takes the time to answer Peter's interview questions for a college paper. The greatest creation of Octavius is a new energy source that he plans to unveil soon.

Meanwhile, Peter decides to give up his career as a superhero because of the devastating impact it's having on his personal life. He attempts to have a reconciliation with Mary Jane, but she's upset when he misses the play in which she's starring. Showing up just as the doors close, Peter is forced to wait outside and ponder his fate. With Mary Jane involved in another relationship, things don't look good for Peter's love life.

Along with countless media and public figures, Peter attends Dr. Octavius's unveiling of his master invention that will change the course of history. Working with the energy source requires that he use several mechanical tentacles that fit on his back and operate via a nanochip embedded in his brain. But when things go terribly awry, the invention explodes, and Dr. Octavius is the victim of his own invention which transforms him into Dr. Octopus.

In pursuit of his own aims, Dr. Octopus makes a deal with Harry Osborn. Dr. Octopus gets what he wants if Harry gets Spider-Man. Inevitably, Mary Jane is caught in the crosshairs, and Peter must once again assume his life as the web-weaving superhero. The result is a series of action-packed scenes with special effects that will more than satisfy fans and audience members Can Spider-Man once again save the day? Will Peter get the girl? You'll have to watch for yourself to find out.

Britt Gillette is author of The DVD Report, a blog where you can find more reviews like this one. Source: Blog48868
Shandee Blog32832

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